ParishStaq is the newly selected Church Management Software for the Diocese of Madison. Below are a listing of resources to sign up for transitioning to this tool, learning, and support.
Flocknote is the tool used by parishes within the Diocese of Madison to easily send emails and texts to parishioners. Diocesan offices also use the same tool for communicating with our parishes. You'll expect to see mail from: [email protected] Flocknote is also used by our Bishop to communicate periodically with all those in our Diocese.
QuickBooks is a user friendly, easy to learn tool used to help bookkeepers and accountants track financial transactions and payroll inside of a streamlined data management system. It generates the mandatory diocesan reorts, assists you in setting budgets and increased the accuracy of your data by safeguarding balances and establishing routine destinations. We encourage the use of QuickBooks Pro.
The Diocesan Data Hub is an online tool for capturing and sharing data among the various organizations that comprise the Diocese of Madison. Some parts of the "Data Hub" are accessible to anyone, but most parts are restricted to users with specific permissions.
Many parishes are re-thinking their paper bulletin and instead providing an electronic bulletin through a vendor like Flocknote. Common paper bulletins are still provided by some parishes using the vendor listed below.